Be Chinese! by JasonC
So here we are again at our usual Chinese restaurant after Sunday worship.
There’s this big group of mainland Chinese people eating at the table next to ours.
And as usual we take our time eating, so they finished first and left before us.
I took a peek over at the other table, and found they have barely touched their food!
Seriously like 80-90% uneaten (and they ate the dishes off the table not dish to themselves).
So we started jokingly talking about taking them home.
Guess the waitress heard us talking about them.
Next thing you know she comes back out with empty boxes asking if you don’t mind you’re free to take them home, cuz we’re gonna throw them out anyways.
MSLM Trip 01 27 07 by YFA
Ah good times, good memories.
Storing up the best of what remains…
How do you leave the past behind / When it keeps finding ways to get to your heart?
It reaches way down deep and tears you inside out / Till you’re torn apart
New ledshoppe like site by YFA
Some Grand Opening Specials….. but they are all ledshoppe like (ie. cheap) quality, so beware 😛
Just good for reference and thought I would share 😛
1 commentPost-Christmas.. Post.. by sadd3j
So, in a quick summary of the TPX-holidays:
Jason discovers the inherent danger of buying toys while on vacation.
TPX brings group-buys to a whole new level: group-gifts.
Now that the Christmas rush is over.. and the business world is picking up again (since EDge deals mainly with educational institutions, Christmas becomes quite lax) and we’re now completely developer-less.. I have been put into this crappy position where I have to do everything, but I can’t say no because I want the design work to practice and learn. Anyhow.. finally starting to put out some stuff I don’t absolutely abhor.
Here are the two latest.. the humber e-mail, I had to follow their colour/style guide pretty tight so there wasn’t really much too much freedom. Since it’s an email you dont get to pick a typeface for the actual text.. so its ugly Arial. I kind of like the cover though.