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Meet Hayate by JasonC

so yea….I blame on Shirley’s calendar that she gave me with cute pictures of bunnies.
did some moving around of stuff in my room..managed to pull up some space in my room…
and being all computer engineer and all…I just couldn’t just stop at that…
Live Pics

I’ll probably update the site with more stuff later when I have more time…but yea…
Maybe do that automatic photo gallery thingy I talked about….find some nice shots of him and just dump it in some folder and the gallery engine will do the rest…I dunno…I’ll see…

My justification?
I’ve pushed back my pda phone buying urge back to when I grad, and c’mon…he’s much cheaper than a pda phone.


Of course.. by sadd3j

How could I not post this:

Steve Jobs / Bill Gates interview at All Things Digital 5

Watched the highlights, looking forward to watching the whole thing.

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Surface by YFA

Not to advertise for the company I’ll soon be working for… but this is indeed pretty cool stuff. If the costs can be lowered significantly it may just make it big.

Microsoft Surface – multi-touch, multi-user interface, object recognition and gestural interaction
(Watch the middle “The Power” video if you’re only going to watch one, I think that’s the coolest)

and apparently its not all big dreams… limited 2007 rollouts in T-Mobile stores, Starwood hotels, and Harrah’s in Vegas. Runs on a 1G stock Vista box =p.

The coolest part about all this is…. I actually saw Bill Gates demo this at the 30th Anniversary Company Meeting when I was interning there 😐 that was….. 1.5 years ago….. I think he did some cool stuff like OCRing business card and populating the info onto a PDA wirelessly (bluetooth or sth? not sure). Showed some stuff with photos too. Never thought it would actually be released as a MS product though =p.

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let the games begin… by teewee


click here to begin…

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Drowning on Dry Land by YFA

Not something I’m particularly proud of, but is very real to me.

Song here and chords here.

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