Top 10 Wedding Photographers by YFA
Not sure if the “wedding photography subsidiary” of TPX Inc. has seen this =p, but American Photo selected Top 10 Wedding Photographers recently. Contains links to each of their personal sites = many hours of surfing ooh-ahhs. And apparently ALL ten of them are members of the Digital Wedding Forum =.= That and…. Becker isn’t on the list?!
On a completely different note, I randomly bumped into a Microsoft Future Pro Photographer Contest that is open internationally (except the “standard” Communist countries and… residents of Quebec, har har) to all college/university students; submission period ends May 31st and grand prize is $20k cash :|. Should submit something just for fun =). Just for kicks, this is copied from the FAQ for the contest…
1 commentSince Microsoft sponsors the contest, will entries from competing operating systems be disqualified?
The contest is designed to recognize and reward the very best college and university student photographers worldwide regardless of the tools used to create the image. Microsoft is committed to carrying the art of digital photography forward by encouraging new and emerging talent at the student level to learn, utilize, and implement state-of-the-art equipment, software, and techniques to produce the finest images possible
Welcome back, birdy by YFA
Now that I have a SLR and a lot of free time, I actually find my home to be pretty fun to take pictures of. Mainly ‘cuz my mom keeps a plethora of plants at home, both indoors and outdoors; but even still on a nice day, both my backyard/frontyard (depends what you call the front of the house; the door that everyone comes in is actually the “backdoor”) is pretty nice, that and there’s actually a river out back with a nice little bridge and a playground that I have never visited since I’m too old to go play outside =p.
Anyhow, last summer two birds came to nest and lay eggs in one of my mom’s flower pots in the balcony, and my parents went through this whole ordeal of trying to “help them out” by putting up an umbrella on my balcony so they would be shielded from the weather and trying to feed them with food (joke is, they wouldn’t eat grains of rice but ate swiss chalet bread, so guess they are “white” birds after all). Surely the bird must have enjoyed it here (eggs hatched and the baby birds learned to fly and the family left after a month or two) because the parent birds have came back this year!
The story for this photo goes, Belinda was enjoying the sun on her balcony, MSNed me and told me there were birds on my balcony, so I snuck downstairs with my SLR and took shots of the birds through my kitchen doors (hence the glare and reflection and what not, especially to the right), but I think I scared them away when I tried to open the screen door to get a better shot. I actually didn’t see the second bird (its hiding in the flower pot behind the angels, you can see its tail) until I scared both of them off :|. Haha and apparently my mom saw these birds trying to nest in the flower pot a few days ago and tried to scare them away and hence she stuck the angels in the flower pot, but I guess birds aren’t scared of angels =p. My preference is, let them nest all they want at the balcony so they don’t chirp outside my window at 4am in the morning =p.
No commentsRunaway, runaway by YFA
So, as of you are (rather unfortunately) aware, I wrote a number of songs for Emmanuel back when I was in high school, but after heading off to university I stopped writing any music – mainly because I am pretty… embarrassed at my work =p. To write another song after 6 years has been difficult ‘cuz I am still pretty embarrassed at my own work. But, deciding to write this song – with an obvious purpose of dedicating it to someone – proves to be a good challenge (music-wise, I still suck at writing lyrics), as I would have like to think I have improved over the past 6 years. Anyhow it did take me a lot of courage to sit down, write and record myself, so please don’t mock it, ‘cuz you’ll make me cry and I’ll hate you with a passion for a very long time :@. It is a demo track so I didn’t really bother going back to fix my mistakes (wrong notes on the piano, extremely weak barring on the guitar), and …. nvm the vocals. Maybe you guys can help me arrange and do a good take of this song for presentation purposes 😎
No commentsHoho TPX secret club by sadd3j
This is what we need!
3 commentsmelon supreme by JasonC
if you think your latest toys are expensive, check this out:
yea…you don’t need to count the zeros…it’s alot..haa..
here’s english news on this crazy melon
didn’t even try to think how much each drop of juice will cost haha
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