Have a good weekend by sadd3j
Here’s hoping to some productive photography this weekend (man.. brain fried from work.. I kept typing “productful” and wondering why it didn’t sound right.
On a random note.. leon’s msn nickname is “L” and the first thing I thought of was that little red band.
chat by teewee
ahhh im in such a need to have access to some chat proggy..somebody should look into setting one up on a site…..and you can just go there..and i’ll realtime update chat or sth..like mirc..built into the browser..
4 commentssadd3j. professional surfer. by sadd3j
So I’m expanding my surfing outside of the typical half a dozen bookmarks that I’ve got on my work computer.. It’s like I’m unable to add more bookmarks or something. Anyhow, for the most part I don’t like reading blogs and the sites of these really talented musicians, photographers etc. because a little part of me is jealous and a bigger part of me makes me realize where I am and that my life in comparison feels like a waste.
Anyhow, I’ve come across a few cool sites/blogs. I’ll just recount how I surfed.. Yesterday I found a wedding photography forum and it housed one thread entitled something like “Help! shooting friend’s wedding with 350+kit lens!” and inside one of the seasoned wedding photogs linked to this quite informative blog with 6 posts, or “lessons” on How to shoot a wedding.
Today I revisted it and then found my way to the “Proffesional Photographers” xanga webring and stumbled across this 30 year old asian american photographer, genoVa who is really talented, shoots some amazing shots.. and has this van with crazy cinema displays and a mobile photo studio in it.
Anyhow.. after sighing over that, I went on to another young asian wedding photographer (Xanga, no big surprise that he’s asian). It turns out he studied engineering for four years, worked at some biochem firm but is now pursuing his dream of wedding photography.. being mentored by some established wedding photographer. Anyway, while still a talented guy, the most interesting thing about him is that he’s Christian and he posts about facing the dillema of sitting at a desk and was surrounded by his also newly-graduated friends who “couldn’t wait to go back to school” and older adults who point out that “well that’s life.. get used to it”.
Anyway.. in one of his posts he links to this Washington post article about an experiment they tried, putting one of the best violinists in the world, in the subway, playing some amazing music on his $3.5 million violin. It’s a long article, but a pretty good read.
And again I’m just a little depressed about where I am. Oh Steve, am I settling?