Hello, San Francisco by YFA
Thought I’ll contribute to the blog revival.
Just got back from my SF trip over the weekend… It was a really really really good getaway – just needed to walk away from work and life for a little bit to rejuvenate (although sadly I had to do homework every night after getting back to the hotel). I guess the best part is seeing Bel and Brent after not seeing everyone for sooo long. There really is no substitute for this kind of friendship – we really just picked up where we last left off.
Cali is super pretty – beautiful place, beautiful people. No wonder all the photogs hang out there. I brought my SLR and maxed out all my cards (4G + 4G + 2G + my dinky 128MB). Which means way too many photos to edit (this is when I’m glad my keep ratio is not very high still, har har).
As Bel put it, typical of a YFA vacation (though I swear I did minimal planning for this trip – I was so busy leading up to the trip I booked hotel/rental car < 1 week before the trip, and I basically only had one e-mail of places to go from my SF friend) the trip is jammed back with stuff and you feel like you have spent an entire week there when you have in reality only spent a weekend there. Will go into detail about the different parts of the trip as I post photos later... but for now, here is the hommage I paid to Silicon Valley.... muhahahaha! (Belinda said I wanted to take this photo to spite others, but really I was pretty excited myself).
A new beginning (2nd attempt) by teewee
i just realized sadd3j posted over a month ago.. i would say lets revive it but i think we’ve tried several times in the last while with no success.
anywho, since theres nothing really new to report, i will post a photo. of what you ask? well i looked around my room, and the only thing thats marginally interesting is my current setup. the second monitor has been awesome (even though it doesn’t match the imac and according to sadd3j its a SIN). what did i use to take a photo you ask? (and this will probably annoy jasonC) but i used AIRME for the iphone, lets me take a photo and automatically upload to flickr. SWEET!
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