TPX Industries by sadd3j
Welcome to the new TPX blog.. nothing spectacularly new.. everything works the same, primarily a cosmetic update.. something a bit easier to read and lighter in colours.
Thumbnails now default to 500px for the biggest side, and I recommend that we go with that. It makes it friendlier to browse a post without needing to click in. However feel free to upload bigger versions so that if someone DOES click, they can get a big version.
We’re now iPhone friendly, it won’t affect regular browser usage, but if you point an iPhone at, you’ll get a customized interface:
Chateau Torquois.. 5 months later by sadd3j
It’s been 5 months since I’ve taken possession of this condo. It still has no couch, has curtains taped up in the bedroom, tools and paint piled up in the corners, 2 chairs and no trash cans. But.. I guess you just can’t rush these things.. especially.. with no money =p
However.. things continue to move forward at a decent clip. All photos are taken with a 50mm to preserve perspective and not make it appear as if we own a 2500 sq ft apartment.
Last night after much frustration, I put up the first “test” window coverings. I will place an order for the living room coverings within the week.. they’ll be the same but a very light yellow (these are a very light grey).
A lamp Sam and I bought at Structube. It’s not too great on the quality side, but it looks good when not touched and angled specifically.. haha
Bought earlier tonight, a dining table! Again from IKEA.. the docksta.. the poor man’s Saarinen Tulip table! Now to find some chairs.. and a pendant lamp to hang above the table. Currently filling in for centerpiece duty is Maximus the fern. You can see he’s grown since we got him (a few posts down)
For an idea of how the kitchen/living room is laid out.. still needs paint and window coverings and to wall mount the TV.
And finally also bought tonight.. the first trash can.. a simple yet overpriced bag holder which goes on the inside of the cabinet door.. woo Simple Human!