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New Category! by teewee

Introducing: LINKS.

just for those posts where there’s an interesting link to go to.
i will start with COFFEE MUGS
While I think three of the four members of this blog will enjoy the products shown, I think the DIY-guy will find it a complete waste because its more aesthetics than utility =P

BONUS LINK: Billboards

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Obama’s People by teewee

Follow the link.
NYTIMES Article.

This photobooth idea is really becoming popular, seeing it in more and more places.

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Song of the Day (#4) by teewee

Haven’t posted anything in a while, so here’s the SOTD. Last night as I was studying, I thought of the office and thought of this scene:

So with some searching, found it was from ABBA – Take a Chance on Me, its so catchy..mmm

ABBA - ABBA - Gold - Greatest Hits - Take a Chance on Me

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