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A lazy Saturday by sadd3j

The morning started off around 7:30, Burton and I went for a run around in the little field area downstairs, when an 11-month old sheltie came down, who we’ve bumped into a few times. Venus, her name, wanted nothing to do with himl, but Burton was quite smitten! Eventually she ran around in circles with Burton trying desperately to catch her. He would bark at her as he ran.. but could never quite catch up. As it continued, his barks began to combine with a sort of whine until he was whining at her rather than barking. It was pretty amazing that when she did stop and still didn’t really want to play in typical dog fashion, Burton didn’t try to goad her on or jump on her etc. He also stopped and sniffed at her and was quite gentle. They’re about the same size, but Burton probably outweighs her already and continues to grow like a weed.

We did manage to go to the Yonge + Finch area and using cheese, Burton’s new found ultimate weakness, we distracted him from all the garbage along the street. Luckily (for us) there was a fire alarm in one of those big condos right next to where Futureshop used to be, and three fire trucks came right up to us with sirens going, perfect socialization opportunity! He didn’t even flinch, very fixated on the cheese. We had to stop feeding him just to make sure he was paying attention to things around him. He continues to grow like a weed, and seems to be progressing on most fronts, but training is about consistency and patience, so we’re not expecting him to turn into an overnight sensation.

It’s a little harder now that his pen doesn’t provide a very effective timeout. Time to upgrade.

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YFA Recommends – Awakening (Passion) by YFA

From the new Passion record – the title track is written by Chris Tomlin and Reuben Morgan – two giants in contemporary Christian music!

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