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Meet Hayate by JasonC

so yea….I blame on Shirley’s calendar that she gave me with cute pictures of bunnies.
did some moving around of stuff in my room..managed to pull up some space in my room…
and being all computer engineer and all…I just couldn’t just stop at that…
Live Pics

I’ll probably update the site with more stuff later when I have more time…but yea…
Maybe do that automatic photo gallery thingy I talked about….find some nice shots of him and just dump it in some folder and the gallery engine will do the rest…I dunno…I’ll see…

My justification?
I’ve pushed back my pda phone buying urge back to when I grad, and c’mon…he’s much cheaper than a pda phone.


China to the max by JasonC

So today’s Harvey’s Free burger day.
There are three Harvey’s in Kingston.

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melon supreme by JasonC

if you think your latest toys are expensive, check this out:
crazy melon

yea…you don’t need to count the zeros…it’s alot..haa..
here’s english news on this crazy melon

didn’t even try to think how much each drop of juice will cost haha

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Mutual Buying Spree by JasonC

that’s the title I saw in the business section of the newspaper today.
and the mutual I thought of wasn’t mutual fund.


Korean Tofu Soup @ Home by JasonC

Welcome to another episode of “what to eat tonight”?
Today I’ll present something that tastes kinda like the Korean Tofu Soup that we all love.
(by no mean does it compare to the retail one, but it still tastes good, good enough for me)

Tofu (soft)
Chicken broth

1) I’m using the stewing beef cubes, so take around 4 cubes and cut into slices.
2) Take a handful of mushroom and slice into size you want.
3) Take a rice bowl (about a cup-ish?) size of kimchi, don’t need to tip top the bowl, have some kimchi juice in there too, pour the juice in until you see around half the bowl with the juice. Cut the kimchi down to the same size as the other stuff. (You don’t want to be eating a whole kimchi piece when you’re mixing with rice).
4) Add some oil to a pot (instant noodle size pot), put down about a soup spoon of chopped/diced garlic on around 6-8 heat (out of 10)
5) add in the meat stir around until brown, then add in the just kimchi (no juice), and stir around a bit
6) add in the rest of the juice, mushroom, and around half a can of chicken broth
7) close the lid and wait till it starts to boil, then add in around half a package of tofu (you can cut the tofu on the spot with chopsticks into little cubes)
8) let it boil a bit, while you let it boil, take an egg and beat it down first (the eggs we get have more yolk than the small eggs we get at the restaurant, and if the yolk gets cooked first, it’ll give the soup a grainy feel)
9) turn off the heat, and pour in the egg and stir around a bit till you see the egg somewhat gets cooked
10) serve

Time taken: less than an hour.


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