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Be Chinese! by JasonC

So here we are again at our usual Chinese restaurant after Sunday worship.
There’s this big group of mainland Chinese people eating at the table next to ours.
And as usual we take our time eating, so they finished first and left before us.
I took a peek over at the other table, and found they have barely touched their food!
Seriously like 80-90% uneaten (and they ate the dishes off the table not dish to themselves).
So we started jokingly talking about taking them home.
Guess the waitress heard us talking about them.
Next thing you know she comes back out with empty boxes asking if you don’t mind you’re free to take them home, cuz we’re gonna throw them out anyways.

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Earplugs by JasonC

I hear others didn’t get the “full package”, so I’ve decided to show you what the “full package” looks like….

Earplugs Box

Earplugs Box Insides


Balance in Life by JasonC

Physics teaches us well of balance in things.
This applies to all things other than just physics.
Given a force of work, there is an equal opposite force of play.
Work <=> Play
Work = {Job, Church, School}
Play = {Anime, Game, Sleep}
Play <=> Work

Seriously….unless you’re totally slacking then the law doesn’t apply.
The more I want to continue to play Final Fantasy 12, the more I want to get my studying done so that I can play.

Deep thoughts from the old man.
*UUMMMmmm………UUMMmmmm………PS2 starting sound*


Let’s do this guys!…..not.. by JasonC

Tis true, board been quiet lately…
lemme loud it up.
We got all the needed instruments like they do too!!….j/k…no way…haha…

DragonForce – Through The Fire and Flames

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Feeling old by JasonC

I’m right now in my office, think there’s some conference, so everybody’s away.

I walked over to my colleague’s desk, and I saw a picture there and I thought…wow….almost everybody I know from Queen’s post grad have a girlfriend.  (with exception to the bunch of China grad students I think).  Then I look a bit closer…?!?…is that a baby in that picture??

*dot dot dot*…..?!?!

that explains why he always calls home before leaving the office everyday, at first I just thought he’s devoted to his girlfriend or something…..now I get it….


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