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Time to take some grounds hehe by JasonC



Kodak Promises Crisper Photos by YFA

Eastman Kodak Co. said Thursday it has developed a color-filter technology that at least doubles the sensitivity to light of the image sensor in every digital camera, enabling shutterbugs to take better pictures in poor light.

…Chris McNiffe, general manager of the photography company’s image sensor business: “We’re talking about a 2-to-4-times improvement in (light) sensitivity.”

Sounds impressive – but they’re pushing this out to P&S and cameraphones first :S

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vista and leopard… by teewee

so i was reading the keynote from WWDC…and scrolling up it said pricings for leopard:

basic version: $129
and i was like what the..theres a premium version too?!
premium version: $129

and im like ooOo i see where this is going….and then it said this

Leopard shipping in October. Basic version, $129. Premium version, $129. Business version, $129, Enterprise version $129. Ultimate version, $129.”

oh steve…you joker…..


Photosynth by JasonC

Some microsoft lab product that’s playing around with photo stitching, and maxing it out to its ability.

Video Demo


Of course.. by sadd3j

How could I not post this:

Steve Jobs / Bill Gates interview at All Things Digital 5

Watched the highlights, looking forward to watching the whole thing.

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