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For the Apple fanboys… by YFA

Ha this is too funny. Is this what you Apple fanboys secretly fantasized? 😛

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i hate the BR by teewee

stupid piece of crap, didn’t record today, i check it after service and its off, but batteries report as half..but NOPE. NOTHING RECORDED.


Before the iPhone by YFA

Saw a pretty cool post on engadget.

So this picture of Steve Jobs supposedly using an iPhone in public got us thinking: what cellphone did he use before he had an iPhone? We know that Gates has carried a Windows Mobile device for years — at one point he had an HTC Typhoon and then later switched to a Treo 700w — but does anyone know what cellphone Jobs used to use? Did he even HAVE a cellphone before Jonathan Ive built him the handset of his dreams? We’ve actually heard from a couple of reliable sources that he didn’t — and you have to admit that it would be so like Steve Jobs to not even own a cellphone until he could build his own.

Anyone out there know for sure?

I especially like the last comment.

Steve Jobs is like a superhero. He wears the same costume all the time. I envy him in a way. I wish it was socially acceptable for those of us who don’t have super powers to wear the same thing everyday. I’m sure he didn’t have cellphone before. Did Batman? Can’t you see the Apple logo lighting up the night sky whenever Jobs needed to be reached? I know you’ve heard of the iSignal. Though I do wonder how he was reached during the day. lol

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DIY Rumor by teewee

heh, this is pretty cool, start your own apple rumors here!


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mac love. by teewee

you really cant describe what’s so good about the mac. often times, i sit in front of the mac on a saturday morning with some drink….(mac mug..) and jarvis walks by as hes working and doesn’t understand why i’m still sitting there..but now that jarvis has a mac..he understands too

i actually understand why you just sit there
i did that for an hour today
just sitting there in front of it
reading a pdf over and over again
even thogh i had it in paper next to me
but i was like i want to read it off my thing


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