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grado testimonial. by teewee

So my friend was using my grado+ipod today at the library and she was listening to hairspray and really loved ‘without love’ and so she kept listening to it the whole night and was all giddy n stuff and asked me to send it to her, FF home now. she messages me and says:

“the song doesn’t sound as good as on the gratos!
i don’t feel…engulfed in the music
……..it’s a whole different experience”


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Wifi WEP = no good by JasonC

Was doing some background research in wifi securities.

To my surprise, there’s a heck of a lot of things out there that’ll help u steal WEP password straight off the air.

Also to my surprise, it’s incredibly easy to sniff packets flying through the air.

In conclusion, don’t use WEP, don’t use Wifi for anything you want secure.

In addition, took some minor damage in buying a wifi ethenet usb , but it was cheap, only $29, while I’m at it…also got a PSU (the cheapest they got) which I’m gonna take apart for power supplies kekekeke…..


Here’s a great way to end your day by YFA

So. I’m heading to loo tomorrow so I thought I’ll load up the 2 sermons jon shared onto my ipod so I can listen to it in my car. Start up iTunes, v7.0.1 is out, so I do the upgrade (what’s with me and upgrading today). Guess what? After the upgrade I can’t sync my ipod to iTunes. Pretty much iTunes freezes somewhere during the sync. Absolutely perfect.

So I tried to downgrade back to iTunes 6, but Apple is too smart for that – it recognizes some library file is created by a newer version so iTunes 6 won’t start. Back to iTunes 7.0.1. Played around with it a bit more, had to hit cancel quickly to stop the auto sync and set my iPod on Manual sync now. I don’t even know how manual sync will work out (eg. how do I delete a song from my iPod) but at least it doesn’t freeze up now. And now iTunes is going through my 2643 songs on my iPod to determine gapless playback information. Taking its sweet time too.

So to summarize the day, GG Microsoft, GG Apple. What’s next, will my GMail fail tomorrow morning or something?

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Here’s a great way to start your day by YFA

Woke up, started up my computer.
Windows wants to do Windows Update, ok fine.
Next thing I know, Windows crashes in the middle of an update (just as I clicked on the Monkey picture on the TPX site too =()
And now I’m getting all these problems trying to start up my computer.
What more can I ask for?

mm… now it seems like it has finally booted up fine…..going to daringly try their security updates again.


an ephiphany by teewee

so i’m at the library and i finally decided to take a break and as i was heading to the washroom i was thinking…’hrmm i’ve not bought anything for a while.’ well not really that long ago..but none the less…the thought of something to buy came in..but i quickly concluded there realy is nothing i would need to buy right now..if anything, maybe a monitor, so i thought..’ah i wonder if theres a dell deal’ ..so i go and check and what a surprise..

day 3 (today)
Dell E197FP 19” LCD Monitor – $189
Dell E177FP 17” LCD Monitor – $159
Dell UltraSharp 1907FP 19” LCD Monitor w/Height Adjusting Stand – $249

17″? 19″? or 20″? is a secondary mon really that useful? i DID think about it lastnight as i was juggling between multiple windows stacked.=P



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