Bored.. at work by sadd3j
Counting the minutes until I can leave..
Mmm yesterday I impulsively picked up a little catfish, which I kind of regret. I don’t think she’ll survive long since I don’t have a stable aquarium ready for her, but she was so little and cute I couldn’t resist. I’ll still try to keep her alive, so I decided to begin cycling the 5.5g tank. Since the tanks themselves come in at only $10 each at Big Al’s.. I’ll just try to maintain a simpler tank for now. You can see the tank starting to go through it’s nitrogen cycle process above. It’s quite pretty.. and the 24-70 is a fantastic lens.
1 commentTime to test how good your immune system(s) are! by teewee
Virtual t-cells.
Use your immune system, no worries, just cool stuff, nothing scary or anything, just a little scary at the end, but not like scary like playing Doom….
really (not) so awesome stuff (if you are sick like i am).
… at the eleventh hour, before my exam, i have definately hit the limit as to how far i can push my body, sleeping 4hrs/night and stressing it..sick sick sick…exam in 35mins.
4 commentsTime to test how good your eyes are! by sadd3j
Virtual real life.
Use your eyes, no worries, just cool stuff, nothing scary or anything, just a little scary at the end, but not like scary like playing Doom….
really awesome stuff.
2 commentsTime to test how good your headphones are! by JasonC
Virtual haircut.
Use headphones, no worries, just cool stuff, nothing scary or anything, just a little scary at the end, but not like scary like playing Doom….
really awesome stuff.
DIY Haircut! by JasonC was spur of a moment thing….just felt like doing it for some reason….maybe because with the new/old headphone I got, it messes up my long hair after I wear it?
anyhoo…my camera didn’t have battery for a before shot, but that’s uninteresting anyways….me with long hair.
Here’s the results….hohohoho….