Here fishy fishy by sadd3j
So.. my friends gave me a fish. My first reaction was.. ah poor fishy will probably die. But it turns out they also gave me a little kit to keep him in. But I feel guilty about putting him into this tiny 1/2 gallon tank. So tomorrow I’m going to hit up walmart and pick up probably a 5 gallon tank and start making him a nice home. Poor guy has been living in a cup most of his life.. supposedly they live to 2-3 years.. I’m curious how long I can keep him alive..
Not sure what to call him yet.. sushi?
2 commentsLost Odyssey by sadd3j
My final xbox-360 showcase! A Japanese classic style turn-based RPG which looks incredible! Music by Nobuo Uematsu. The first video is the CG intro.. then the second video it seamlessly goes into gameplay.. which makes me wonder if the intro is CG or just game engine?
Lost Odyssey – Intro
Lost Odyssey – Gameplay + more intro
A 6th Sense for Wifi Hotspots by YFA
How to DIY a passive wifi detector!
Stick it in an envelope (so it works and the vibration can be felt, but it can’t be seen). Then present it to a friend. Using it only in its intended manner (i.e. no opening it up allowed), how long before they figure out what it is sensing?
Anyhow. Apparently I’m not geeky enough to make this since I don’t remember anything from my microcontroller course. But maybe our DIY king Jason can =P
2 commentsRPGs and chow yun-fat by sadd3j
Not exactly the strong point of the 360, here are at least.. two pretty RPGs coming out for 360, Blue Dragon being the supposed “win over Japan to the 360” which isn’t going to happen. And Sacred 2 looks sweet. (P.S. I pwned YFA by moving these screenshots into their own post from the one below.) Haha Stranglehold.. so stylish! and you get to be chow yun-fat.. woo ..!
Blue Dragon
Sacred 2
John Woo’s Stranglehold
Yum Yum. by JasonC
London Fog:
Get Lipton Earl Grey tea bags (use more expensive ones if you really want…).
Get Coffee-mate French Vanilla whitener syrup (from the milk/butter/egg section).
Fill you cup half with hot water and put in your tea bag, let it sit a bit. (just a little bit will be fine)
Heat up your milk (half a cup of milk, in bowl, microwave 1 min, done).
Mix both milk and tea.
Add Coffee-mate French Vanilla (about enough to say cover the bottom of your cup (when empty)).
Add sugar to taste.
Probably the closest thing I’ll ever get to the real ones from home.
If it fancies you, get one of those milk steamer and get some foamy milk on there too.