urbana. by teewee
its been interesting at urbana, i hate to say it when people ask me “how has it been so far?”…truthfully? not too sure how to answer that one, i just say its ‘ok’, the seminars have been quite disappointing in that they’re either mistitled and what they talk about does not match the syllabus given or they’re just talking about things we already know (ie: you should keep straight accounting records because that is what a Christian should do…..what?! even a secular run business should keep straight accounting records because that’s the law!!), plenaries have been good, especially by this one person: jeff van duzer.
fast forward: this post was not meant to be an indepth post but merely a brief update as behind me are jason, alfred, and liu all sleeping, and i’m the only one awake, it’ll be a long session as we ring in the new year tonght, i should catch a nap.
lesson from urbana: nobody can escape fatigue.
happy new year TPX.
1 commentMerry Christmas TPX! by sadd3j
Here’s wishing you all a Merry Christmas!
Esp in Japan! Too bad Jason couldn’t be here for tonight’s wii/transfer party.
No commentsdeath cab. by teewee
for cutie! i used this frosh’s ipod for studying the other night and decided to try death cab for cutie, this indie (underground) ish band, but they’re pretty popular, the album is “the photo album’ mmm sooo good! that i’ve been listening to it for a few days now, and i just got a few more albums, trying to get more, they’re not too loud, but not too soft, really good for studying or just …EZlistening, and they’ve quite some variety in arrangements of the song, so try it out!
on another note, it is the calm before the storm, 7pm monday, GG.
No commentsSee you in a while, Emerald City by YFA
So I’m back in Toronto again. Seattle was definitely fun but Toronto feels more like home still. Although the line is definitely blurring.
Real estate is insanely expensive in Seattle. Guys, you really need to save up if you intend to buy your own property one day – no amount of savings seem enough.
This trip created more questions than answers. So many options and alternatives I can take … life is full of choices, what can I say.
On a lighter side, I went to the Nintendo North American headquarters to get a Wii component cable for sadd3j. I was going to ask him if he wanted one first, but I figured he most likely would want it so I was going to get it for him as a surprise. Little do I know, surprises for jon are hard to pull off. The day after I bought the cable he messages me and says “I want to order the Wii component cable” and I was “…” and said dumb reasons like “oh don’t get it, so expensive” or something :S In the end I told him he’s stupid and he shouldn’t get it 😛 haha.
Some pictures from the Nintendo Headquarters. Note the Wii Play shirt! I was going to get one (only $10USD or so) but I don’t even own a Wii 😛
Three Short Days, in the Emerald City by YFA
Three short days, In the Emerald City   NB: Seattle is AKA The Emerald City
Three short days, Full of so much to do
Ev’ry way, That you look in the city, There’s something exquisite
You’ll want to visit, Before the day’s through
I think I‘ve found the place where I belong!
I wanna be In this hoi polloi
So I’ll be back for good someday
To make my life and make my way
But for today, we’ll wander and enjoy:
What a way To be seeing the city:
Where so many roam to
We’ll call it home, too
And then, just like now
We can say: We’re just two friends
Two good friends, Two best friends
Sharing one wonderful, One short Day!
Too bad there’s no Wizardmania. And no friends to share my wonderful short days.
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