Second ORRC event! by sadd3j
Saturday, our second foray into the Ontario Road Rally Championship series, the Northern Lights Rally. Chiu/Wong enter again. We’re beginning to become quite the familiar faces on the rally circuit.. seeing as we still haven’t met any other chinese participants.
Anyway.. I woke up fairly leisurely and got some Zelda in, a bit of Wii sports and played some bass. Meanwhile in waterloo, the other half of rallyPX played a badminton tournament with Eric and managed to come in 2nd (gj team). Around 1:30 we both arrived seperately in Campbellville (about halfway between Toronto and Waterloo, near Guelph) and filled out the necessary paperwork.
It was snowing in the morning but by the time 2pm came about the sun was out and the roads were dry. The Northern Lights Rally 2006 was comprised of two legs, the first being ~200km and the second being ~230km. It was pretty much one day/one night leg. As usual, we came out of the “untimed” odometer check too fast.. and ended up being early for the first checkpoint -_-..
For the most part the first leg went pretty well until the end, and we ended up losing some time due to some confusing instructions. We finished the first leg I think it was with a 5.6, putting us in third place for novice.
For the second leg.. we started by missing the first turn.. but it was untimed.. so we we’re ok. However we still came out of the untimed section too fast and ended up early for the first checkpoint again.. ALTHOUGH.. the scorecard shows we zero’d it.. so who knows.
There were was a bad instruction for the novice.. so one checkpoint became a route control. We also drove past a checkpoint completely without stopping.. but they were nice enough and gave us the proper time anyway.. otherwise we would have gotten an extra 20 added to our score (for a missed CP). The rest went fairly smoothly. YFA got sick/dizzy/headachey.. but managed to survive and we managed to get the best score (of the rally) for the second leg.
It pushed us into second place for novice and we got another plaque thing.. woo! 5 weeks until the next rally!
No commentsBalance in Life by JasonC
Physics teaches us well of balance in things.
This applies to all things other than just physics.
Given a force of work, there is an equal opposite force of play.
Work <=> Play
Work = {Job, Church, School}
Play = {Anime, Game, Sleep}
Play <=> Work
Seriously….unless you’re totally slacking then the law doesn’t apply.
The more I want to continue to play Final Fantasy 12, the more I want to get my studying done so that I can play.
Deep thoughts from the old man.
*UUMMMmmm………UUMMmmmm………PS2 starting sound*
Goodbye Seattle, for now by YFA
So my last day at Seattle was spent having fun, since all my interviews are over for the year. Went to the MS company store to buy some Christmas gifts for my cousins, almost bought a MS Wireless Optical Notebook Mouse….actually still thinking about it. Company Store sells it at $25USD, and I went to Fry’s later that day and saw it for $40USD. (CC sells it for $50 CAD) They actually have the laser notebook mouse on sale at the same price, but my friends told me the pickup is quite horrible – can’t even pick up on a white surface. GG laser.
In the afternoon I went around Redmond looking at housing. Apparently there is a law that the City of Redmond is not allowed to build tall buildings (more than 5 floors or something?) so no apartments can be found in Redmond :|. Sooner or later I’m going to be faced with the choice of renting or buying (mortgaging). Buying seems like a better option – since it feels dumb to pay rent and you get nothing at the end, although mortgaging is slightly more expensive, and you’ll have to care about maintenance and crap…but at least you have the peace of mind that you don’t have to move around and such. (Most rental communities/housing give you cheap rent for the first year contract and bump it up like mad when you try to extend the contract). Mm and I don’t want to live too far away from work either. When I was an intern I literally live acrossed the street from Microsoft and I really enjoyed that – I could go home for lunch, or drop by house anytime I want to pick up a package from management office, or wake up at 8:30am for a 9:00am morning meeting. So ideally I would be no more than 20 minutes away from the Microsoft campus.
This leaves me with two options – and I have groups of friends that are actually taking one option or the other now. Price is approximately the same. 1) Live in an apartment in Bellevue, which is 15 minutes away from Microsoft on the highway – it is sort of like Scarborough and Markham. The area is more populated and urbanized. Also seems like apartments are easier to take care of. 2) Live in townhouse/apartment communities up north in Redmond, which is also 15 minutes away from Microsoft, but the area is very residential – seems like Aurora a bit. More of these community homes are available for both rent and buying.
Ah so much to consider. Establishing your own home is a lot of work.
Anyhow, the rest of my day is just going to Fry’s to buy the GPS Bluetooth Adapter, eat dinner with the rest of my intern friends, and drive to the airport for a red-eye flight. Still exhausted from the flight.
To end of my trip blogging, let me post some pic’s…
(I organized them into a photo gallery now, so make sure you click next when you hover over the top right corner of each photo)
Killed from above by YFA
Construction Crane Collapses, Killing 1
I was nearby there last night – actually some of my friends live in that community (not the building that got hit, but they said they felt the vibration and had to evacuate)
No commentsMicrosoft Revisited by YFA
So my interview day started off not being able to find parking at Building 19 (Recruiting). Knowing my way around campus I ended up parking at Building 24, which is where I used to work. Spent 1 hour with a HR recruiter who, if I get an offer, will have to negotiate with in terms of compensation and benefits. After some normal chatting and questions (like why Microsoft, what to expect blah blah blah) she sent me on my way to Building 16 for my Sharepoint interviews. She offered to get me a recruit shuttle, which I kindly rejected since building 16 is right across the street and I felt stupid taking a shuttle across the street when its faster to walk across.
I waited 15 minutes or so for my first interviewer to show up, who was a Senior PM Lead. Some standard questions about my previous MS internship, and then the fun questions:
– code analysis: given a piece of code, tell me what it does and how to optimize it (it was a recursive Fibonacci Number function)
– design a UI to update server information in a 3-tier architecture. I get to ask questions to the interviewer, who can take on the role of customer/end-user/marketing/dev/fellow PM.
I guess I could have answered the design question better, in that I could “foresee” the client’s needs and solved it all at once rather than just solving the problem presented at hand 😐
Second interview was a lunch interview, so we went down to the cafe and bought food. During the process I actually met a previous co-worker and had a little chat. Afterwards we went back to the interviewer’s office and he asked me a design question…
– design an alarm clock for the visually impaired
I think my answer was really normal and standard for this question…the interviewer was very quiet throughout so I don’t know if he approved or not…at the end I don’t think I named anything special that blew him away, so wasn’t exactly feeling great after the interview. What is worse is he sent me on to another building for my 3rd interview.
Let me explain how MS interviews generally work (at least according to folklore and myths…I’m sure they officially deny this). You’re pretty much guaranteed 3 interviews, but whether you get to go on depends on your performance. Hence the later your interviews go for the day, the higher the chance you’ll get an offer (unless you blow the last interview). If everything goes well, then you’ll get an “as applicable” interview with some high up manager that can make the hiring decision. So really, the key to know if you will get an offer is to see if your last interviewer was someone high up in the ranks, and see how well the last interview went.
My 3rd interview was in building 36 with the Office Shared Services team. Seems like the job they do is rather abstract…. the interviewer couldn’t even tell me what team I will be placed on. I guess since Office 12 (2007) was just shipped a few weeks ago there has been some re-organization going on and people don’t know what they are working on yet. Question asked here was:
– design an online collaborative tool for students to collaborate on a document in a group project.
I guess this question went better. I kept on thinking about some hyped up blog / wiki and applied it to word documents. Afterwards the interviewer sent me back down to the lobby to wait for the next interviewer – I was scared he would get me a shuttle and send me back to Recruiting (which practically means no offer). Next interviewer was another PM who was nice and friendly…. and I really impressed him when I “aced” the first question. Here is what was asked…
– Do you use Office? Which part of Office do you use most? (I answered Word)
– Would you consider yourself a normal user, power user or elite user of Word? (I answered just above power user, as people do ask me about how to use Word)
– How would you improve Word? (Hohoho as an avid Word user I KNEW what I wanted with Word…I mentioned a feature that was lacking with Print Preview and he didn’t believe me, so he started Word 12 (2007) and the same feature was lacking….and then I explained my reasoning and use case for that feature and he was like yes that would be a good feature….oh pwned that question)
– Name two technologies / gadgets that you would combine together and be able to market it (eg. cell phone and garage door opener; I ended up talking about Smartphone + Car…hoho O2)
– Logic Question: If a throw a rock from the boat I am in into the lake, does the lake’s water level (relative to the shore) rise, fall or stay the same?
After this interview I was sent back to the lobby to wait for the next interviewer. As I was sitting on this red bench I saw the sunset from the window (It was around 4pm by then)…and I felt happy because I know I would have a 5th interview and the later / darker it gets when I’m done the better.
The 5th interviewer gave the best Microsoft PM interview by far. I think Microsoft PM interviews should be done much like he does. He asked me some questions about my past experience and what I worked on. Next thing I know he started to show me gadgets around his office. The first thing he showed me was this digital binary clock (which my housemate actually has one). I told him I have seen it before (otherwise I think he’ll ask me to guess what it is) and he said he had a question for me. I said I hope this isn’t the question “Explain this clock to your mother” (which was actually a real situation my housemate encountered) and he got a very good laugh out of that and said that was a good question =P. But what he asked me was actually very easy – he wanted to know the number of invalid combinations the clock can possibly represent. I started to count the number of invalid combinations and then gave up and did it “backwards” instead: Total Number of Combinations – Total number of good combinations (which = number of seconds in a day). He was impressed, I think. He asked me some design issues involved with the clock and asked me how I would test it. And then he showed me this Ambient meter thing he also had. And then we went on doing some major geek talk for an hour. Really….just random geek talk. If you can keep up with the topic then you know you’re quite geeky and will be a good fit for MS culture…we talked about stuff like multicore applications (I mentioned Intel’s new quad core was announced earlier this week), future of compilers, distributed computing, etc. etc. This interview ended my day.
I was hoping for a 6th interviewer which would be a good indication, but by then it was already 5:30pm. 5 interviews was a little less than I liked but its still fair. Anyhow I went out to a nice dinner with my previous manager and then went back to my hotel, and went to find my friend. I asked my friend to check the role of my last interviewer to see if he was high up enough in the ranks (to see if he was an “as app” interviewer).
It turned out his job title was “Director of Program Management” and he directly reports to a CVP 😐 So I guess he is quite high up there….high up enough to make a hiring decision.
So right now I feel quite happy about the interview and just hoping for the best…waiting for a call / e-mail some time soon.
Thanks to everyone who prayed for me and my interview!
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