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Leopard can’t run Java 1.6 by YFA

Leopard can’t run Java 1.6… and it’s Apple’s fault…

Guess completely owning your OS does open up chances of it backfiring… article copied below.

IN A THREAD on Apple’s discussion forum, software developers who use Macs are up in arms because Capuccinno Steve’s flash new Leopard OS chokes on Sun’s latest Java 1.6.

Apparently Apple’s OS/X 10.5 ships without an updated Java Virtual Machine (JVM) that can handle Java 1.6. Reportedly Java 1.6 crashes with a segmentation fault while trying to load on Leopard. Apple hasn’t commented officially but is said to be deleting forum complaints.

Some Mac based developers have been quick to blame Sun, but Sun’s Java visionary James Gosling has disclaimed responsibility, saying that Apple develops its own JVM for OS/X “because Apple wanted to do it. ”

Gosling wrote that Apple “wanted to do all sorts of customization and integration that only they could do — because they own the OS.” He also said that its lag on JDK support for Java 1.6 “keeps feeling like the big problem is that developers aren’t the ‘Target Demographic’.”


Dancing Lady by YFA

Best viewed with a group of people. Then you can really see opposing views and perspectives.

The Dancing Lady

Give it some time. Maybe she’ll change direction. She changed for me!

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Hanging with the money crowd by YFA

I wonder who would read this…

Looks like TPX is a “bad” group after all…

Before “social networking” became a buzz phrase, she told her clients to “find people who have the money behaviors you want to learn and start hanging out with them.” She suggests, for example, joining an investment club.

The corollary is to be careful around folks who’ll reinforce your bad tendencies. No one’s suggesting that you start dumping friends and family members who spend too much. But it makes sense to avoid going clothes shopping with them.

“It’s like going with alcoholics to a bar,” says money therapist Olivia Mellan, author of Money Harmony. “You’ll be sucked into the group’s norm.”


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jkha in action by YFA

jkha in action


backpacking by YFA

So this is a post about what we should do regarding our all-present TPX gathering until probably Christmas (unless sadd3j decides to put a big red cross over my face above because I turned into a fat hamburger). Anyhow, the date is July 13/14, and the options are below, in decreasing logistical difficulty and cost. Please post some comments indicating thoughts and preferences so we can collectively decide on what to do.
a) Backpacking Camping – Basically we hike and camp at campsites along the hiking trail. I think the closest possible location for this is Algonquin which has 3 backpacking (as opposed to day hike) trails. This is one example of a 4 day 35km hike 4 people did in 2004 (includes route map). The problem is Algonquin is like 3.5 hrs away so not sure how much hiking can we get done (depends when we leave on Friday the 13th).
b) Camping + Day Hike – this is going to a provincial park with a more civilized campsite such as Awenda, which is just over 1.5 hours away. The campsites have showers and electricity (some do, some don’t), similar to the ones we went to before when we went on the CTC camping trips in the past. We can camp for Friday night and then go a day hike at the provincial park Saturday. Awenda’s longest trail is 13km (estimate 3.5 hours); or we can go on multiple shorter trails to our heart’s content. If we arrive early enough on Friday we can even go on a short hike (shortest one is 1km (30 min)) that evening. We still need to bring tents and possibly stoves for cooking dinner (or we can pack dinner or something), but since I think we’ll be camping pretty close to our cars, we can always leave our tents/stoves in the car during our hike so weight/gear is not so much an issue for this option.
c) Day Hike – Simply driving out to a park and going around for a day hike on Saturday. We can go to a place like Awenda (above) or somewhere closer even (1 hour drive or so) such as Ganaraska Forest (near Port Hope) or we can look into hiking a section of some national hiking trails such as Bruce Trail or Ganaraska Trail (there’s always the Oak Ridges Trail which is probably super close =p). There are even organized group hikes such as this. No need to worry about tents and stoves for this option; can probably just pack lunch. If we want maybe we can do a sleepover at someone’s (read: jon’s) place the night before (but I understand jon’s daddy is here so not sure if this would work).

Any other ideas?


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