First Impressions/Review: Domke F-5XC by teewee
It’s been quite a long wait for this bag and finally it is here!
It all started a few months ago, in September, when I started to look for a new camera bag that was small enough that I could take around daily, but not too big (and padded) to the point where it’d be cumbersome. For the past few years, my solution has always been outfitting regular bags (gap canvas messenger, timbuk2 classic messenger, and crumpler considerable embarrassment) with domke padded inserts and then using that to carry a camera and lens.
The problem however, is that these bags tend to become large and bulky with the camera+inserts, so I started to look around for a smaller one. The first obvious choice would be a bag similar to Jon’s, Tamrac Velocity 7, which is a great bag, but in the spirit of trying to not have the same everything, I decided to look around some more. While on my Montreal trip with Sarah, we went to L.L.Lozeau and they had a large selection of crumplers. It basically boiled down to the million dollar home (MDH) series, either the 3, 4, or 5 MDH. The 3MDH was so small that the flap could barely close with the 5d2+24-70. The 5MDH was too big with all the stiff padding, and really fat; I didn’t like how it looked like a blatant camera bag. I almost bought the 4MDH, it could fit the 5d2+24-70 mounted and the 35f2 on the side, but that was tight. Furthermore, if the lenses were reversed, they would not all fit in the bag. So instead of buying on impulse, I held off in hopes of finding the perfect bag.
Fast forward to months of boring work, I started to look into domke’s. As I mentioned before, I have a few inserts by them, and they weren’t all that cheap (around $24USD each), for a bit of foam padding; but they were/are very useful. I also liked the fact that their designs aren’t flashy, nor are they commonly seen, which is an extra plus since I really didn’t want to be another guy with a crumpler MDH (they are good bags, don’t get me wrong, just everybody who owns an SLR seems to also have a MDH). I found a few people on flickr who had it, and found a few reviews, and all the comments on forums seem to confirm that THIS was the bag. It wasn’t too big, nor too small, it fit the right amount of equipment, low profile, not fat, so what’s wrong with it? The price, in canada, where Henry’s and Vistek dominate the camera market, this bag sells for $149+tax.. ridiculous! when at B&H it’s $83USD. So with that I decided it was too expensive to buy… until now! thanks to Sarah for buying this bag as my christmas present! This was not really a review, as I just got the bag tonight, so I’ve not taken it out or anything; time will tell whether this is in fact the perfect bag or not. But I am really excited at the bag’s versatility thanks to the velcro dividers. And now without further blabbering, here are the photos! (with a few different setups):
3. 5d2+24-70 mounted, 70-200f2.8is in the bottom compartment
4. 5d2+50f1.4 mounted, 24-70 with an extra divider on top compartment, bottom compartment can hold the 70-200 or a flash+small lens
5. view of the bottom compartment: 24-70 and 35f2
Edit to add: The bag comes with 2x 3-section dividers, I’m currently only using one divider, which is used as a base to form the top and bottom compartments. Once the flap is opened, the bag has two small front pouches that can hold wallet, phone, CFcards, batteries and sorts. The most I was able to fit was 5d2+24-70 mounted, 70-200f2.8is, and 50f1.4. The quality of the strap is excellent, and the strap actually has grippy rubber sewn into the strap to prevent the bag from sliding on the shoulder. It’s little details like these that tell you it’s a well thought out bag, with little flaws.
LINKS: Here are some of the links to the different forums I checked out for reviews of this bag: flickr photo set , japanese review, korean review (this one is my favourite, because they even do a shower test to see test its water resistance =P) and photog-on-the-net review
6 commentsObama’s People by teewee
Follow the link.
NYTIMES Article.
This photobooth idea is really becoming popular, seeing it in more and more places.
No commentsSports Illustrated and the Final Four by teewee
Whilst browsing the net, watching some youtube video on a getty photographer, I thought of this article I remember coming across several months back. At first I thought YFA posted it here but cant seem to find it, so here it is
Basically discusses the photography setup in gross detail for the final games in the NCAA. Pretty cool, cos they talk about the strobes that are all mounted overhead, and how the photographers have to take their turns in using the strobes, due to the flash recycling. Definitely would be a dream job to be an assignment photographer for Getty or AP or National Geographic. Check it out!
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