YFA Recommends – Awakening (Passion) by YFA
From the new Passion record – the title track is written by Chris Tomlin and Reuben Morgan – two giants in contemporary Christian music!
No commentsYFA Recommends – Melody Gardot by YFA
Friend introduced me to Melody Gardot this past weekend on the way to snowboarding… I don’t listen to a whole lot of vocal jazz (primarily because I can’t listen to it at work since it’ll put me to sleep, and its not exactly applicable to worship either), but she’s definitely quite talented. Just 2 samples of her work live.
1 commentYFA Recommends – The Saving One (Starfield) by YFA
I’ve been holding off on posting this since Burton was at the top and he was too cute to bump down :P, but its OK now!
This week’s recommendation is Starfield’s new album, “The Saving One”. Starfield has went more mainstream alternative (compared to their more acoustic/indie sounding debut album) over the years, but IMO this has been their best album since Tumbling After.
My favourite track from the album is “Something to Say” – one of their softer acoustic songs, and simply arranged and carried vocally. Love the simplicity and the rawness – link below.
I’ve got something to say
It’s been one of those days
When I’m finding it hard to believe in You
I’ve got something to say
I’ve forgotten how to pray
And I’m finding it hard to believe the truth
I’ve got something to say
Right now it feels like You are slipping away
Like I am drowning in a crisis of faith
Like I’m alone
I’ve got something to say
What was black and white is grey
And I’m finding it hard to believe in You
And faith might mean there won’t be answers
And hope might mean enduring through the night
But help me not forget in darkness
The things that I believed in light
I’ve got something to say
Right now it feels like You are slipping away
Like I am drowning in a crisis of faith
Like I was found, but now I’m lost in the fray
Other noteworthy tracks on the CD include: The Saving One, Rediscover You, No Other Saviour… actually the other tracks aren’t bad either :P.
No commentsYFA Recommends – Hallelujah by YFA
Not exactly a worship song as the title may suggest – I don’t even remember how I came across this. This song is rather popular apparently but I’ve never really know what it was, let alone found out there’s so many versions of it (I love exploring different arrangements!) I think this song might have been on the soundtrack for House in some episode. Its definitely in the soundtrack for two major movies – see if you can figure out what they are.
This version by Jeff Buckley is often regarded as the definitive version, but isn’t the original!
Original version by the songwriter Leonard Cohen (Canadian!)
Yet another take by Rufus Wainwright:
If you’re so inclined, Justin Timberlake did a recent live cover for this song as well for the Haiti fundraiser – you can find that on youtube as well – not putting it here since its not very different from the arrangements above.
Now name the movieS this song showed up in 🙂
4 commentsYFA Recommends – Lady Antebellum by YFA
Heard this on the radio last week, and then heard it again today – quite catchy and simple, so I looked up what the song is. I think this pick is something more in line with you guys’ taste, as opposed to… rap and 8 bit music :P.
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