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Ambulance “Staging” by sadd3j

I’ve created a new category, under which my Cara Cara post and this now fall, it’s just about random stuff I end up looking up after reading or hearing something and thinking to myself “hmm?”

Anyway, I was reading this article about a man who dies while the ambulance is staging. Even though the article explains it, I looked it up.

After a bit of poking around I found this article.

Preventing Close Calls: Staging
The principle of staging is to keep EMS providers safe until police secure a violent or potentially violent scene.

When staging:

  1. Park out of view of the scene.
  2. Leave yourself a buffer—, generally at least a block or two, —especially with calls involving street violence when a perpetrator may be mobile (by automobile or on foot) in the area. Your rig could be attractive to anyone looking to hide or make a fast escape.
  3. Only respond to the scene when police have reported it secure. If the dispatcher tells you “Police are on scene,” confirm that they have things under control.
  4. There are times when you will have to retreat from a scene that suddenly becomes dangerous. In these cases, use the same principles. Notify police about the situation and move a safe distance away. Be sure you are out of sight and out of range for anyone leaving the scene.
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