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PSP fin. by JasonC

So, went to FS on saturday.
To my surprise, FS offered me the SX10IS right off the bat.
Dunno if it’s mistake on their part or not, cuz the dude there that was from the camera section is the guy that tells the manager which one I “should” get replaced with. And he said for my “S5IS” I should get replaced with the SX10IS. Could be that he just said it wrong…or just read it wrong all together….S2/S5 looks somewhat similar…in the lettering…
After being offered the SX10IS, I asked the staff if I can get the store credit for its worth, but she said no, I can only replace it with another thing.
Being stuck having to find a replaceable camera, my choices are the SX10IS or the G10.
After listening to Terry and Jon about all the glories of the G10, I paid the difference and got the G10 ($23 difference, tax incl.).

Though, after thinking about it some more…with the some $429 worth of the SX10IS, technically I could have replaced it with ANY other thing.
So technically…I could have been able to get $429 worth of wii system plus accessories…
But I didn’t think about that at the time…and got the G10…oh well…if it’s that great of a camera, it should last me a long time with awesome pictures.

On to the G10. so it does have the lens adapter tube thingy like my S2IS. Unfortunately, it doesn’t fit the same tube as the S2IS. And the filters that it takes are 58mm, not 52mm. So all my lens filters and stuff for my S2IS can’t be used with the G10…
Probably when I’m in HK, go buy some cheap adapter tube and some basic filters if they’re cheap. The camera though doesn’t really need the tube and UV filter to kinda protect it as with my S2IS. Cuz the G10 does have a lens shutter cover thingy when it’s off. So it’s more protected in a sense than the S2IS. But having such an awesome camera…not having filters for it is kinda wasting it…somewhat…
Anyhoo…I shall see how it goes.

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First Impressions: 35mm F2.0 by sadd3j

Terry’s new lens.. circa 1950. The box looks like its older than me. I have to run out so here’s a few photos I got in the supermarket before I had too much in my basket to take photos.. and the looks I got toting a 5D in No Frills.

As you can see, DOF is hard to come by.. in the 2nd shot.. f6.3 and still not as much in focus as I’d like.

1/400 at f2.0, ISO 400, 35mm

1/100 at f6.3, ISO 1000, 35mm

1/320 at f2.0, ISO 320, 35mm

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PSP cont. by JasonC

So here’s the latest story.
FS called me saying they can’t fix it, so I have to go in for a exchange.
Just some background, my camera costed around 450.
For exchange, they say, they do it by specs, they try to match it.
Some rfd forum dude says at the back, they actually will receive the full cost at the time paid by the insurance, and in turn, by saying they only match the specs, they pocket the difference. The SX10IS is for $400, I got mine for $450, so they’re still pocketing money, not to mention I did pay $130 or something for the PSP. Not sure if it works as the dude says it does, but in the paper, it does say by the specs. So I’ll argue for the best…to the specs.

So from some quick look up of my camera’s specs and what’s available from FS, here’s what the highlights are from my camera:
Viewfinder, flip-out LCD, 12x zoom
From FS’s set of cameras, I first will have to argue to stick with Canon cameras.
Lots of ways to do this, like all the cameras I’ve owned to date has been Canon, I’m used to Canon, and Canon’s all I’ll take.
Seriously, I’ll have to relearn how the whole camera “OS” if I get a different brand, like especially those fine tuning options.
Secondly, I have accessories for it. As you all know I got all these filters, and not sure if they’ll work with other brand, but I know it’ll work with the SX10IS.
After the Canon is cleared, that’ll basically leave me with SX10IS, SX110IS, or SX100IS.
IMO, SX1xxIS are both born from the Canon “A” line cameras. Slightly more beef than the “SD” line, but lesser than the “S1-S5” line. There are some features in those that doesn’t even match up to my S2IS.
So that’ll leave the highlights of my camera, the SX1xxIS cameras both don’t have viewfinder, dont’ have flip-out lcd, and have 10x zoom. As jon also pointed out, something with the grip… won’t feel right.
Hopefully after all these, FS should have no choice but give me SX10IS….accord to the specs…assuming they don’t hammer too hard on the megapixels.
But yea…I’ll aim for SX10IS, if I can’t get it…I’ll settle for store credits.
Will post later on how this goes, will go to FS this weekend.

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Long awaited post by JasonC

Alright, here are some pics of my place…well…pics of the interesting parts..my home theatre set.
And a little review of the roomba.

Here’s my TV and all the front speakers, see my sub on that little nice ikea shelf.
I know…but this is the best setup I can get with the oddly shaped room.
TV and front speakers

This my my new PC built to do all my media stuff, everything in it costed me around $550. There’s the trusty WRT54GL at the back with extended antenna.

Receiver and ps3. I didn’t buy that GT5 Prologue..my brother bought it thinking it was a bargain…until I told him what prologue means…

Here’s one of my back speaker with the roomba. It’s pretty stable (the stand), just as long as no one like pushes on it or anything. Have yet to think of a way to secure it more.
Back speaker and roomba

Here’s the rest of the living room stuff, the sofa and the other speaker.
The rest

This is actually day two of roomba, some how it ripped my antenna off which was laying against the window behind it. Antenna’s used for HDTV OTA.
Roomba mischief

And more mischief..pulled the small rug off that’s covering the cables running across. I’m going to put down some cable concealer bar thing across, so the carpet’s temp.
More roomba mischief

The roomba actually did alright this time around…did got back home, after limiting it to do living room and hallway. The day one of roomba, it got lost in the master washroom. Another thing I found is that it uses its bumper more than I thought it would. I find the bumper all dirtied up after a run. Hope it’s not doing any damage…

More to come when I have more time…….not anytime soon haha..

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Happiness is Contagious by YFA

A CBC article today showed that happiness is contagious. Here is my synopsis:
Your agreement to these 4 statements determines if you’re considered “happy”:

    “I feel hopeful about the future.”
    “I am happy.”
    “I enjoy life.”
    “I feel that I am just as good as other people.”

Cool statistics:
“Happiness extended to three degrees of separation, from friends to friends of friends”
“If a social contact such as spouse, sibling or friend was happy, it increased the likelihood that you were happy by 15 per cent”
“Each happy friend boosts your own happiness by nine per cent”
“Having grumpy friends decreased the chances by about seven per cent”

So if I get 11 happy friends and get rid of all my grumpy friends, maybe I’ll feel happy 😀

Source: http://www.cbc.ca/health/story/2008/12/04/happiness.html


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